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Healing Therapy

What I Do

I am a licensed cosmetologist and also certified in:

  • Reiki 1 & 2 Healing

  •  Chi Gong Energy Healing

  •  Raindrop Technique Practitioner

  •  R.A.A.H. Reiki & A.U.R.A. Practitioner

  • Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) Practitioner.


My intention is to utilize the use of multiple modalities, to create a safe space, for healing on all levels; mind, body and soul. Offerings can be combined for a complete experience to help heal.

 In turn, I ask that you have the same intention, during your visit, for a positive outcome.

I ask that you maintain love and patience for yourself and your spiritual development, due to that everyone develops at their speed in Divine Right Timing. Allow yourself to not become attached to the outcome.

With the QHHT session, I ask that you have an open mind and heart that will allow the subconscious to assist in healing of the spiritual body, the emotional body, and the physical body.

Foot Tracks on Sand

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT)                                            $222
3-6 hrs
The QHHT session is a very unique way of doing hypnosis compared to other hypnosis techniques because Dolores Canon has found a way to go directly to the SOURCE of All Knowledge. The SOURCE has all the answers to all the questions ever asked and is very capable of performing instantaneous healing of the body! The subconscious is the part of the mind most psychiatrists work with, but QHHT goes a level deeper (the somnambulistic state) to our soul aspect of ourselves, the Higher Self, the Higher Consciousness. This technique has been able to help about over 90% of clients.
I first tap into a past life regression, to find out the source of the issues, and then (after getting permission) I will talk to your subconscious to help resolve the issues that you would like to address. I take the time to get to know all the important people in your life now and work on making connections with Karma from past lives.
Because the session takes about 4-6 hrs (or even longer), a deposit of 50% of the fee will have to be retained the day of booking your appointment. After booking your appointment, there will be no refunds. The deposit will be applied to your rescheduled appointment, if canceled and RESCHEDULED. 
 Please make arrangements with your loved ones for that day, in order to have a successful session. We ask for your family and friends to find something to do or go another place to stay, if they come along. You are the only other person to be in the room with me during your session.

Please contact for more info or for any questions.
More info on their official website:

Reiki Session
45 mins+

Reiki is a Japanese form of alternative medicine called energy healing. It is a palm healing or a hands-on healing technique through which a "universal healing" is said to be transferred through the palms of the hands to the client to encourage emotional and physical and spiritual healing.
Here is more info:


$ 77

Reiki Raindrop Session
1 hr 15 mins

This session incorporates the "Riandrop Tequnique" with the energy healing of  Reiki. You will experience the benefit of the physical cleansing, grounding, and restorative effects of the essential oils along with the healing energy that Reiki has to offer!

Partial Reiki Raindrop Technique $55

This would be  a great way to experience this technique only performed on the feet. 



Foot & Hand Mask Treatments               $33
15 mins
This can be added to other offerings to enhance the treatment session for relaxation and grounding. Mask treatments help with dry skin issues on the hands or the feet or both.

Reiki Facial Session
1 hr 15 mins
This includes a basic facial session with the benefits of Reiki Healing Energy to help emotionally and physically heal.



Reiki Cranial Sacral Session
15 mins- 1 hr

Cranial Sacral Therapy (CST) is a type of body work that relieves compression in the bones of the head, sacrum, and spinal column. It is non invasive using gentle pressure on the head, neck, and back to relieve the stress and pain caused by compression. It is thought through gentle manipulation the flow of cerebrospinal fluid in the central nervous system can be normalized. This can help remove "blockages" from the normal flow, which enhances the body's ability the heal. This can be an appointment on its own or added to other offerings for an enhanced healing session.
Here is more info on CST:


Relaxing Facial w/ massage
1 hr
You can enjoy a relaxing, basic facial (with Monat Anti-Aging Skin Care) with your arms, hands, legs, and feet therapeutically massaged to allow for blood flow and oxygen throughout the body.


RAAH Reiki  $77 45 mins

This session is a very important part of my hypnotherapy sessions to help clear any and all negative entities, thoughtforms, energies, & manipulations that could possibly happen during a hypnotherapy session. This session usually takes about 45 mins to an hour and can be done separately and online if time constraints don't allow an in-person session.

More detailed info here:

Qigong Meditation w/ energy healing
1-2 hrs
You can experience the healing energy of the ancient Chinese art involving meditation, breathing techniques, and sometimes the flow of movement. I ask the client to arrive with the same intentions of opening up their heart to allow healing to happen on many levels. This can be used to assist you on your life journey and can be very helpful to clear negative energies and blockages at a soul level.
Here is more info on Qigong:



A.U.R.A. Hypnosis Technique
$222 4-6 hrs

This technique will require the same amount of time for the first session. Any following sessions will not require as much time due to having all the personal info needed. 
The AURA requires the RAAH Reiki session beforehand as well.  The RAAH Reiki will help in assisting in clearing all the chakras , so there will not be any negative manipulation during the session. This session goes much deeper into clearing negative attachments, anchors, chords, Implants, and much much more. 
If you would like more info on this technique, feel free to reach out.

Here is my mentors website which has detailed info on this technique:



Relaxing Raindrop Technique
45 mins - 1hr

Young Living's proprietary Raindrop Technique provides a deeply harmonizing, rejuvenating, and relaxing experience with specific reflexology movements targeting the spin of the foot and then onto the actual spine of the client. The specific essential oils used are of the purest oils that can be used and will allow for the body to clear blockages on a physical, mental, and spiritual level. These techniques and series of oils, herbs, and spices derived from Gary Youngs experience with Native American Indians from the midwest.
I can also offer a Partial Raindrop Technique if you would like to dip your toe in to try it for $45. (20 mins)
More info can be found here:


Frequency Grounding and Alignment     $22
This modality can be used with any other offerings or on its own. I can use tuning forks or singing bowls or even both to help re-balance and ground your meridians and chakras and help open up the third eye.
Here is more info on how frequencies help heal the body:

The SoundBed's patent-pending technology creates a customizable multi-sensory immersive experience. It's a gateway to an immersive world of sound and vibration in sync with each other.

OPUS is like a home gym for your heart. It uses vibroacoustic technology to deliver low-frequency vibrations throughout your body that quickly releases you out of stress response and into a place of deep relation and receptivity.  

The vibroacoustic SoundBed allows you to listen to meditations, frequencies, music and translates it into a full somatic experience of vibration throughout the body. It can also be used to amplify other modalities such as meditation, breath work, SoundHealing, & hypnotherapy sessions.

It has also been FDA approved for assisting in treatments with Parkinson's disease, Epilepsy,  physical pain, & inflammatory auto-immune diseases.

Some more info and testimonials:

OPUS Frequency Healing Sound Bed Session $2/min

Quote of the Month

"Love is the water of life. Drink it down with heart and soul"


Disclaimer: All clients who give consent to have above products applied or diffused for the above services are agreeing they are being used for the intended services and are using them at their own risk.  Information contained on the website and shared with the client is intended for educational purposes only. It should not be substituted for medical advice from a doctor or health care provider. All services do not establish a doctor-patient relationship. This website or application is not responsible for the comments, views and opinions of site visitors, and the site reserves the right to remove offensive comments or images.

Higher Ground Spiritual Healing

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